
Ryan Pawluk

Donation Page

Its a great cause and with cancer touching my family a number of years back I know the fight needs all the help it can get. Not to mention Jeff and family are are the best. this tournament is the most well run, organized, and fun one ive ever been involved in. I look forward to it every year. I'm really going to try & get my donations up this year, game on boys!

Amount Raised:


4% of Goal Raised

Amount Raised All Time:


Players Donation Sheet

Download if you intend to gather written donations and cash

Donating by cheque?

Cheques can be made out to:

WindsorEssex Community Foundation, c/o Play For A Cure

Mailing address:

Play For A Cure

c/o WindsorEssex Community Foundation

3200 Deziel Dr, #511

Windsor, ON


Note Please include the players name on the memo line of the cheque.
4% funded

or enter your own amount to help as much as possible


Personal Info

Donor Address

Donation Total: $50.00